Made In Dublin
A wannabe actor, a strung out movie director, a lonely drag queen and a femme fatal all set on a course of destruction and all heading each other’s way

Lives collide and stories intersect in a film that takes the audience on a dramatic journey from the run down streets of inner city Dublin to the drug fueled decadence of Hollywood and back to the glamorous escapism of the Dublin drag scene.
Aspiring actor Finn O’Connor dreams of his big break but his reality is anything but successful. He divides his time working as a Waiter in one of Dublin’s most prestigious restaurants and caring for his sick mother. The bills are stacking up and Finn has been forced to borrow money from notorious loan sharks, The Murphy Family. Finn hides the grim reality of his situation from his Mother, exploiting her deteriorating mental state with flights of fancy about his glittering acting career and his fabricated relationship with childhood friend Cara.
Cara leads a life of contrasting halves. For the purposes of her counselling sessions, she is a hardworking, low paid checkout girl. But her real source of income is far from mundane. A self-styled opportunist, Cara sets ruthless honey traps for unscrupulous men and relieves them of their dignity…and their valuables. Cara’s network of likeminded girls is wide and she is happy to provide escort services to any man willing to pay the price…a man like Brendan Bloom.
Brendan Bloom’s star is on the wane. A once celebrated Hollywood director he relentlessly deludes himself of his relevance both as an ‘A lister’ and one of Dublin’s most famous sons. His rampant drug propelled ego is unable to accept his time at the top is over and his wife’s meteoric rise to the most sought-after actress in tinsel town does nothing to dampen his arrogance and bitterness. A return to his hometown is what he needs to feel relevant again, starting with a night out with two of Cara’s most glamorous escorts at Dublin’s finest restaurant.
Maitre’d, Des Temple is more than happy to massage Brendan Blooms ego, he’s been in the job long enough to know that looking after big fish means big gratuities. He just must keep Waiters like Finn O’Connor in check and diners like Brendan Bloom in Champagne and the rest is golden.
Des Temple’s reputation as one of the city’s most respected Maitre’d’s is something he’s proud of ; almost as much as he is proud of his alter ego, ‘Desiree’s’ reputation as one of Dublin’s most fabulous drag queens.
Des’ confidence takes a huge blow after two masked burglar’s ransack his home and rough him up in the process. Unable to find the strength to return to the restaurant or the drag scene Des begins to close himself off from the outside world. That is until a knock on his front door introduces odd job man, Sean into his life. Sean is young but keen to work and sets about restoring Des’ garden to its former glory.
The two men begin to form a friendship and Sean encourages Des to overcome his vulnerabilities and return to the stage. But Sean is hiding a secret that will ultimately shatter Des’ trust and faith in their connection.
A resolute Des returns to the restaurant and to what he does best, making sure the guests are happy. But one guest is far from satisfied. Whilst Brendan Bloom is entertaining the escorts that Cara has arranged for him, his arrogant flow is derailed by Finn, desperate to audition for the Director. Brendan humiliates Finn and demands that Des fires the waiter. Now without a job and the ‘Murphy Family’ circling for their money, Finn begins to unravel.
After locating where Brendan is staying, Finn takes the Director hostage demanding an audition. Finn delivers the performance of a lifetime.
…A performance made in Dublin.

A Look Inside the Movie
Take a look at behind the scenes of Made In Dublin.
Prinicple Characters
Prinicple Characters
Brendan Bloom
is a washed up junky film director who refuses to face the reality that his star has faded. Resentful of the world and his starlet wife his arrogance and malice land him in a dangerous waters.
Finn O’Connor
is a struggling actor forced to wait tables in order to care for his ailing Mother. But Luna Restaurant simply doesn’t pay enough and he is forced to borrow from infamous loan sharks to keep the wolf from the door. A chance encounter with famous film director Brendan Bloom leads a desperate man to take desperate measures.
Des Temple
is the super-efficient and refined Maître ’d at the uber fashionable Luna restaurant but his fabulous alter ego Desiree Temple is the outrageous and sparkling drag Queen of Dublin. A break in and deception by a new friend will test his character.
Cara de Ville
is beautiful but complicated! She hides her ‘other life’ from everyone including her childhood friend Finn O’Connor. This demure beauty is a dangerous femme fatal.